NORDIC FRONTIER #156: The Serbian Question
NORDIC FRONTIER. We invite Marko from Serbia to give us the low down on the SQ(Serbian question), but not before getting triggered by this week’s headlines.
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We invite Marko from Serbia to talk about Serbian nationalism, the Balkan war and Serbian cousine.
TELEGRAM GROUP: Nordic Frontier Channel and Chat
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Live at:
7.00 PM in Iceland
8.00 PM in Denmark, Norway and Sweden
9.00 PM in Finland
2.00 PM Eastern Time (ET) on that side of the pond
The Nordic Frontier is an English speaking podcast and a sister broadcast to the glorious Radio Nordfront. Our aim is to spread our political message of the Nordic Resistance Movement to a wider audience. Through theme- and discussion-based episodes we will dive deep into what National Socialism has to offer in the 21st century.
The format is not set in stone and everything is subject to change, the overall message is based on the political direction of the Nordic Resistance Movement but the individual opinions expressed by the hosts and guests are their own.
Permanent hosts: Andreas Johansson and Alan.
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