Nordic Frontier is the Nordic Resistance Movement’s longest running English-language podcast, having made its debut back in January 2017. Airing weekly, the show is hosted by Andreas Johansson, Mike and Guffe, and features a round-up of the latest news from the Resistance Movement, as well as hot-takes on recent world events.
Although the show often deals with black-pilling news stories, it maintains an upbeat and humours tone, lending it a typically cosy Nordic atmosphere. It’s also common for the hosts to take frequent diversions into more off-topic discussions, such as Swedish cuisine, family life and the benefits of a good sauna.
Nordic Frontier was initially an audio-only production, but after being banned from the podcasting site Spreaker (along with all the Resistance Movement’s other radio shows), it adopted a video format and now airs live on Odysee. The show has featured multiple renowned guests over the years, such as Mark Collett, Eric Striker, No White Guilt, Monika Schaefer, Michèle Renouf and Henrik Palmgren.
Nordic Frontier is broadcast live every Sunday at 20.30 Swedish time on Odysee, and can also be found on nordicresistancemovement.org.