ARISTOGENESIS #8: Askr Svarte Interview 1

ARISTOGENESIS. This is the eight episode of Aristogenesis.

In this episode of Aristogenesis join Nestor and our newest recruit Alan (from Nordic Frontier) for the first part of a series of interviews with Askr Svarte (Evgeny Nechkasov).
Askr is a Tradionalist philosopher, founder of the Svarte Aske pagan community. Author of multiple books on the Germanic-Scandinavian tradition, pagan theology, and Traditionalist philosophy as well as of dozens of polemical articles and essays in which he criticizes New Age, left-liberal and postmodern currents in Western and Russian neopaganism. A descendant of Bessarabian Germans, exiled to Siberia in the first half of the 20th century who lives permanently in the city of Novosibirsk in West Siberia, Russia.
Our interviews will be based on his latest book recently translated in English: “Polemos (ie “war” in Greek). The Dawn of Pagan Traditionalism”. We will be discussing matters regarding the Perennial Tradition, ancient paganism and its modern reconstruction, myth, culture and politics. We will try to examine if and where do the paths of Traditionalist philosophy, ancestral wisdom and paganism meet with political activism and how can these seemingly different approaches complete, enhance and benefit from each other, as well as other interesting topics and subjects.

In this episode: Nestor, Alan and Askr Svarte

Further reading

  • Link to Askr Svarte’s books in English:
  • René Guénon
    The Crisis of the Modern World
    East and West
    The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times
  • Mircea Eliade
    Images and Symbols: Studies in Religious Symbolism
    Myth and Reality
    The Myth of the Eternal Return: Cosmos and History
  • Ananda Coomaraswamy
    Figures of Speech or Figures of Thought?: The Traditional View of Art
    What is Civilisation?
    Time and eternity

  • Get involved:
    Would you like to be a guest on the show or contribute in some other way, please do not hesitate to contact us at the email address below.

    To contact us on Aristogenesis, send an email to:

    Cash donations:
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    Nordfront Att: Aristogenesis
    Box 52
    77222 Grängesberg

Aristogenesis kommer att utforska ursprunget till våra ariska förfäder och följa deras leverne från urålders tider och från historiens gryning. Vi kommer att undersöka våra förfäders myter och traditioner samt deras religion och förståelse av kosmos. Vi kommer att försöka belysa de inre krafter och idéer som drev arierna till att skapa de mest upplysta kulturerna genom historien. Vi kommer att söka vårt förfäders arv bortom monument, krig och historia samt undersöka deras konst, symboler, legender och traditioner för att kunna förstå den äkta ariska själen i vår blodslinje.

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