ARISTOGENESIS #12: Interview with Dr Alexander Jacob

ARISTOGENESIS. This is the twelth episode of Aristogenesis.

Joins us for a second interview with Dr Alexander Jacob. In this episode we discuss how the idea of aristocratic rule dominates the political and philosophical vision of great European thinkers consistently from the classical era until the decline of the great European empires in the 19th century.
We explore how fundamental aspects of ancient Indo-European metaphysics, considered the culmination of our peoples’ spiritual capacity, found new expression in German Idealism of the 18th and 19th century and in the nationalistic regimes of the 20th century.
We examine the historical, religious and philosophical origins of anti-semitism and why some of the brightest minds of Europe propagated it and warned for the dangers of democracy and capitalism. Our discussion continues with the works and the political ideas of Richard Wagner, the inherent conflict of Christianity between its semitic foundations and its Aryan transformation, a comparison of the national socialist and fascist regimes of Germany and Italy respectively as well as other subjects where Dr Jacob enlightens us with his profound knowledge and his captivating narrative style.

In this episode: Nestor, Alan and Dr Alexander Jacob

Further reading

  • The Foundations of the 19th Century – Houston Stewart Chamberlain
  • Judaism in Music – Richard Wagner
  • Art and Revolution – Richard Wagner
  • The Artwork of the Future – Richard Wagner
  • Richard Wagner, a Portrait – Lennart Svensson
  • Origins and Doctrine of Fascism – Giovanni Gentile
  • Prussianism and Socialism – Oswald Spengler
  • A classification of Dr Alexander Jacob’s studies and editions. For details we refer our listeners to the full reading list of the previous episode.

  • Anti-Semitic thinker: Eugen Dühring, Richard Wagner, H.S. Chamberlain
  • German Socialism / National Socialism: Werner Sombart, Alfred Rosenberg, Adolf Eichman, Egard Julius Jung, Gottfried Feder

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Aristogenesis kommer att utforska ursprunget till våra ariska förfäder och följa deras leverne från urålders tider och från historiens gryning. Vi kommer att undersöka våra förfäders myter och traditioner samt deras religion och förståelse av kosmos. Vi kommer att försöka belysa de inre krafter och idéer som drev arierna till att skapa de mest upplysta kulturerna genom historien. Vi kommer att söka vårt förfäders arv bortom monument, krig och historia samt undersöka deras konst, symboler, legender och traditioner för att kunna förstå den äkta ariska själen i vår blodslinje.

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