“To deny Holocaust is a religious offence”

Defense lawyer Wolfram Nahrath talks about how the trial of Horst Mahler opened his mind on what Holocaust denial really means. When the judge calls the accused a demon, you know there’s something really wrong.

Excerpt from NORDIC FRONTIER #175: Wolfram Nahrath and the Bitchute banning

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Sure it is a religious “offence” since they came up with their ritualistic holocaust as a religious expression to fulfil their fake prophecies. Just like Abraham let his son carry the wood for the fire upon which he himself was to be sacrified, and just as the Jewish “god” stopped Abraham’s raised hand to stop him from sacrificing his own son when he was content with Abraham proving he would obey the Jewish “god” without questioning His commands, the warlord of WW2 never put a single one of His divine sons and daughters in even a hypothetical furnace. Their religion… Läs mer