Monika Schaefer about the political prisoner Sylvia Stolz
Monika Schaefer, herself a victim of democratic witch trial, spoke about the courageous lawyer Sylvia Stolz when she was a guest at Nordic Frontier.
Sylvia Stolz were thrown in prison for 3,5 years for defending Ernst Zundel. She has also defended Horst Mahler where she was physically thrown out from the courtroom, meanwhile shouting “Resistance. The German people will rise again!”. Today she is again in prison – an 18 month long prison sentence – for a speech she held against censorship.
Below you can watch the speech for which she was convicted:
Swedish-language articles about the two brave women Monika Schaefer and Sylvia Stolz:
Tankebrottslingen Monika Schaefer: ”Jag kommer aldrig låta mig tystas!”
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