Leadership Perspective #18:
Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid 19 and controlled opposition
Here is the eighteenth episode of the podcast Leadership Perspective. Participating are the Nordic Resistance Movement’s leader Simon Lindberg and Fredrik Vejdeland from the organization’s national leadership in Sweden.
- Covid-19 and black pills
- What has happened in the struggle since last time?
- Ideological/tactical/philosophical question: Real conspiracies and false theories
Basis for discussion:
The Resistance Movement at the Stockholm Marathon
“The holocaust is a hoax” laser messages greet “holocaust conference” in Malmö
Honouring Gustavus Adolphus in Stockholm – with large police presence
Video from Organisation Days 2021
Mike Peinovich interview on Radio Nordfront
Leadership Perspective #11: The green world view, Greta and Yule
Leadership Perspective is the official podcast of the Nordic Resistance Movement, in which Simon Lindberg, the Movement’s leader, voices the organization’s positions and thoughts. Discussions on the podcast often center on ideological questions, the organization’s tactics and its official positions on different matters. Everything stated in Leadership Perspective can be regarded as being sanctioned by the organization.
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