ARISTOGENESIS #11: Interview with Dr Alexander Jacob
ARISTOGENESIS. This is the eleventh episode of Aristogenesis.
In this episode Nestor interviews a renowned veteran of the struggle whose intellectual work has contributed immensely to our understanding of the Indo-European worldview and illuminated the aristocratic, idealistic and authentic spirit of the Western civilization. Dr Alexander Jacob is a political philosopher, a scholar, a musician and a very productive author with a long career in academia. His books, articles and lectures deal with Indo-European cosmology and metaphysics, philosophy and politics. He has translated and edited many conservative thinkers of the 18th, 19th and early 20th century, like Henry More, Gottfried Feder, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Alfred Rosenberg, Edgar Jung, Eugen Dühring and more. His special interest and research into the Vedic traditions of India, the aristocratic philosophy of Europe and the nationalistic European regimes of the 19th and 20th century will be our main focus for this series of two interviews. In this first interview we discuss dr Jacob’s life and career and attempt a comparative study of important metaphysical and philosophical concepts of the Indo-European traditions and specifically between parts of the Vedic heritage of India, like the Upanishads, and the philosophy of Plato who in this episode will represent Europe and Western thought.
In this episode: Nestor and Dr Alexander Jacob
Further reading
- Ātman: A Reconstruction of the Solar Cosmology of the Indo-Europeans, ‘Religionswissentschaftliche Texte und Studien 12’, Georg Olms, Hildesheim, 2005.
- Brahman: A Study of the Solar Rituals of the Indo-Europeans, ‘Religionswissentschaftliche Texte und Studien 15’, Georg Olms, Hildesheim, 2012.
- Indo-European Mythology and Religion: Essays, Manticore Press, 2019.
- The Origins of Indo-European Religion, Historical Review Press, Brighton, 2010.
- The Grail: Two Studies, Leopold von Schroeder, ‘The Roots of the Saga of the Holy Grail’ and Alexander Jacob, ‘The Indo-European Origins of the Grail’, Numen Books, 2014.
- De Naturae Natura: A Study of Idealistic Conceptions of Nature and the Unconscious, Franz Steiner, Stuttgart, 1992.
- Nobilitas: A Study of European Aristocratic Philosophy from Ancient Greece to the Early Twentieth Century, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, 2001.
- Richard Wagner on Tragedy, Christianity and the State, Manticore Press, 2021.
- European Perspectives: Essays, Logik Foerlag, 2020.
- Vedanta, Plato and Kant, by Paul Deussen, translated with an introduction, Manticore Press, 2021
- Alfred Rosenberg, “The Track of the Jew through the Ages (1937)”, translated with an Introduction and Notes, Sussex, Historical Review Press, 2012; 2nd ed., London: Ostara Publications, 2018.
- Alfred Rosenberg, Political Essays, selected and translated, with an Introduction, Sussex: Historical Review Press, 2004.
- Houston Stewart Chamberlain, Political Ideals (1915), translated with an Introduction and Notes, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, 2005.
- Eugen Dühring on the Jews, 1994 Press, Brighton, 1997.
- Edgar Julius Jung, The Rule of the Inferior (1930), 2 vols., Studies in German Thought and History’, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, N.Y., 1995
- Gottfried Feder, The German State on a National and Socialist Foundation, translated with a Preface, Surrey, Historical Review Press, 2013.
- Gottfried Feder, Manifesto for the breaking of the financial slavery to interest, translated with a Preface, Surrey, Historical Review Press, 2012.
- Jean Thiriart, The Great Nation: Europe from Brest to Bucharest, Manticore Press, 2018.
- Julius Langbehn, Rembrandt as Educator, translated with an Introduction, Wermod and Wermod, 2017.
- Traders and Heroes, Sombart Werner, Arktos Media, 2021
- Henry More’s A Platonic Song of the Soul (1647), edited with an Introductory Study and Notes, Bucknell University Press, Lewisburg, PA,1998.
- Henry More. The Immortality of the Soul, edited with an Introduction and Notes, International Archives of the History of Ideas’, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1987.
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