ARISTOGENESIS #10: Askr Svarte Interview 3

ARISTOGENESIS. This is the tenth episode of Aristogenesis.

Join us for a third and final interview with Traditionalist philosopher and author Askr Svarte. In this episode we discuss Askr’s new book (“Polemos II: Pagan Perspectives”), the problems of translation and interpretation of ancient texts as well as the matter of linguistic degeneration, regression of language faculties and their implications on modern man’s intellectual and spiritual capacity. We look deeper into the complicated and bilaterally life-supporting relationship between the state and the church -with focus on Russia- and we discuss religious education in schools as a mean of semitic spiritual intrusion into the mind of European youth.

In this episode: Nestor, Alan and Askr Svarte

Further reading

  • Polemos II. Pagan Perspectives, by Askr Svarte
  • The Conquest of New Spain, by Bernal Diaz
  • Letters of Cortés, by Hernan Cortés
  • The Conquest of Siberia, by Gerhard Müller
  • Divine Comedy, by Dante Alighieri
  • On the Origin of Species, by Charles Darwin
  • Beowulf. A Verse translation. Penguin classics. ( We recommend this edition where the translator has made a successful attempt to maintain the alliterative poetical meter, according to our discussion in the episode).
  • The Merchant of Venice and Hamlet, by William Shakespeare
  • The Craft of Translation, edited by John Biguenet and Rainer Schulte
  • Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World, by Nicholas Ostler

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Aristogenesis kommer att utforska ursprunget till våra ariska förfäder och följa deras leverne från urålders tider och från historiens gryning. Vi kommer att undersöka våra förfäders myter och traditioner samt deras religion och förståelse av kosmos. Vi kommer att försöka belysa de inre krafter och idéer som drev arierna till att skapa de mest upplysta kulturerna genom historien. Vi kommer att söka vårt förfäders arv bortom monument, krig och historia samt undersöka deras konst, symboler, legender och traditioner för att kunna förstå den äkta ariska själen i vår blodslinje.

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