Leadership Perspective #19:
The Great Replacement, mass shootings and doxxing

Here is the nineteenth episode of the podcast Leadership Perspective. Participating are the Nordic Resistance Movement’s leader Simon Lindberg and Fredrik Vejdeland from the organization’s national leadership in Sweden.


  • Doxxing
  • What has happened in the struggle since last time?
  • Ideological/tactical/philosophical question: The Great Replacement

Basis for discussion:

NORDIC FRONTIER #216: Thomas Rousseau of Patriot Front

Leadership Perspective #18: Real conspiracies and false theories. Covid-19 and controlled opposition

Christmas gift distribution to needy Swedes in Helsingborg

Love Your People – Confetti action in Scandinavia’s largest mall

Videos and photos from demonstration against vaccine passports in Stockholm

The leader of the Nordic Resistance Movement is classed as one of the world’s most dangerous men (again)

Leadership Perspective is the official podcast of the Nordic Resistance Movement, in which Simon Lindberg, the Movement’s leader, voices the organization’s positions and thoughts. Discussions on the podcast often center on ideological questions, the organization’s tactics and its official positions on different matters. Everything stated in Leadership Perspective can be regarded as being sanctioned by the organization.

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